USD or Local Currency (Malawi kwacha) Loans for SMEs

Innovative, flexible loan products that cater to the unique needs of our clients. Whether you are a small business fulfilling a Local Purchase Order, a commercial farmer in need of working capital, or an exporter! We are here to support you. Whatever your need, talk to us.

USD loans for Small and Medium Enterprises

• Documentation that proves business requires foreign currency (example: foreign contract etc)
• Capacity to generate foreign currency and repay loan in foreign currency when it becomes due.
• National ID
• Proof of residency
• Title deed for a house or blue book for a vehicle

Terms & conditions if approved:
• Loan must be collateralized with a house or vehicle
• Maximum loan tenure is 90 days

MWK loans for Small and Medium Enterprises

• Documentation that proves business requirement for the loan such as Local Purchase Order etc.
• National ID
• Proof of residency
• Title deed for a house or blue book for a vehicle

Terms & conditions if approved:
• Loan must be collateralized with a house or vehicle
• Maximum loan tenure is 90 days (can be longer depending on purpose)